Redis Client Mac Gui

This is the best redis admin product I've ever used!
Redis client mac gui ubuntu
I haven't found anything that can be improved, all the features are already present. You guys have done a fantastic job!!

Download latest dmg package from release or gitee in China, double click to install. Or by brew: brew cask install another-redis-desktop-manager; Or sponsor by app store, It's not free, and I will be very grateful to you. 2020-11-03: Binary View Support && SSH Passparse Timeout Support. In this post we will see How To Install Redis On Mac OS X. To install Redis, run the following commands.


Best Redis Gui

Very good experience, intuitive UX, very good work
You guys make Redis tolerable. It really makes my life a lot simpler!
Your product is quite amazing! I use it many times per day :)
I LOVE being able to look up keys in the web app. Fantastic feature.
Redsmin is by far the best redis client I have used. Thank you for this excellent product!
Redsmin is so useful, I really love it. Haven't found anything close to it!
If you want to explore your redis installation Redsmin is amazing. And even works for local instances!

Redis-cli was good in the '90s Redsmin offers a real-time, atomic, performant administration and monitoring interface for Redis. My employer makes an enterprise-grade JDBC-to-ODBC Bridge, available as either a Single-Tier (installs entirely on the client application host) or a Multi-Tier (splits components over the client application host and the ODBC data source host, enabling JDBC client applications in any JVM to use ODBC data sources on Mac, Windows, Linux, etc. Redis Desktop Manager (aka RDM) — is a fast open source Redis database management application for Windows, Linux and MacOS. This tool offers you an easy-to-use GUI to access your Redis DB and perform some basic operations: view keys as a tree, CRUD keys, execute commands via shell.

Thanks for Redsmin. Great product and makes using redis an awesome experience!
GuiFree redis gui client
Redsmin is awesome, the statistic are great and super useful!

Redis Gui Linux

Easiest way to manage, edit, create, delete and batch delete keys in Redis!

Redis Client Mac Gui Commands

I was actually quite impressed with how easy it was to set up for my AWS ElasticCache VPC-only connection!
It's nice to have such a tool available on-line and not having to install it on every machine I work on.